To set up and run MongoDB using Docker Compose, follow these steps:


Install Docker and Docker Compose

Make sure you have Docker and Docker Compose installed on your system.

Refer to Installing Docker on Ubuntu 22: Streamlining Containerization Without Sudo

Create a Docker Compose YAML file

Create a new file called docker-compose.yml and open it in a text editor. Add the following content to the file:

version: '3.8'
image: mongo
- 27017:27017
- mongodb_data:/data/db

In the above configuration, we define a service named mongodb using the official MongoDB Docker image. We expose port 27017 to allow connections to the MongoDB server. We also specify a named volume mongodb_data to persist the MongoDB data on the host system.

Implementing the Publish-Subscribe (Pub-Sub) pattern in PHP involves creating a system where publishers send messages (events) to a central event bus, and subscribers receive and handle those events. This pattern decouples the publishers from the subscribers, enabling a flexible and scalable architecture. Let's explore the steps to implement the Pub-Sub pattern in PHP:


Event Bus:

Start by creating an event bus, which acts as a central hub for event communication. It manages the registration of subscribers and dispatches events to the appropriate subscribers. The event bus can be implemented as a singleton or a dependency-injected service.

class EventBus {
    private $subscribers = [];

    public function subscribe(string $eventName, $subscriber, string $methodName) {
        $this->subscribers[$eventName][] = [$subscriber, $methodName];

    public function publish(string $eventName, $data = null) {
        if (isset($this->subscribers[$eventName])) {
            foreach ($this->subscribers[$eventName] as [$subscriber, $methodName]) {

To generate and set cookies in PHP 8, you can use the setcookie() function. This function allows you to set the necessary attributes of a cookie, such as the name, value, expiration time, path, domain, and more. Here's an explanation of the function and its usage:

Basic Syntax:

setcookie(name, value, expire, path, domain, secure, httponly);


name (required): The name of the cookie.
value (optional): The value of the cookie. This can be any string.
expire (optional): The expiration time of the cookie. It should be a Unix timestamp or a relative time in seconds. If omitted or set to 0, the cookie will expire at the end of the session.
path (optional): The path on the server where the cookie will be available. If set to "/", the cookie will be available across the entire domain.
domain (optional): The domain where the cookie is valid. Use a leading dot to make the cookie available across subdomains.
secure (optional): Specifies whether the cookie should only be sent over secure connections (HTTPS). Default is false.
httponly (optional): If set to true, the cookie will only be accessible through the HTTP protocol and not through JavaScript. Default is false.

Generating and Setting a Cookie:
To generate a cookie, you can call the setcookie() function with the desired parameters. For example, let's set a cookie named "username" with the value "John Doe" that expires in 30 days and is accessible across the entire domain:

setcookie("username", "John Doe", time() + (30 * 24 * 60 * 60), "/");

To generate and handle sessions in PHP, you can use the built-in session handling functions provided by PHP. Sessions allow you to store and retrieve data across multiple requests for a particular user.


Starting a Session:

To start a session in PHP, you need to call the session_start() function at the beginning of each page where you want to use session variables. This function initializes or resumes a session.



Setting Session Variables:
You can set session variables by assigning values to the $_SESSION superglobal array. These variables will be accessible throughout the user's session.

$_SESSION['username'] = 'John Doe';
$_SESSION['user_id'] = 123;