php programming

  • Converting JPG to PNG Images in PHP 8: Examples and Techniques

    Image conversion is a common task in web development when you need to change the file format of an image. In PHP 8, there are several techniques and libraries available to convert JPG images to PNG format. In this article, we will explore some

  • Examples on how to convert an Excel file into table columns in PHP 8

    Working with Excel files is a common requirement in many web development projects. PHP 8 provides several techniques and libraries that allow you to convert Excel files into table columns for further processing. In this article, we will explore

  • Examples on how to export database data to Excel with PHP 8

    Exporting database data to Excel is a common requirement in many web applications. PHP 8 provides various techniques and libraries that enable you to export database data to Excel files easily.

    Fundamentals of Object Oriented Programming - Part III Writing Object Oriented Programs

    Object Oriented Programming is about writing code using Objects. Once we understand the concept of an "Object" and its main Principles, we are ready to start writing OOP code.


  • Fundamentals of PHP Programming - Part I

    PHP is a very popular and used Computer Language mostly for building web based software applications. It is an interpreted language, meaning that every time a request is made to run a PHP Script, the interpreter translates the human readable

  • Fundamentals of PHP Programming - Part II

    PHP born as a very simple Computer Language to help building Dynamically Generated Server Side Html pages to be rendered in the Computer using a Web Browser. Since then, new features, new extensions, new statements, new libraries, etc. has been

  • Fundamentals of PHP Programming - Part III

    PHP has an outstanding error and exception handling. Its correct implementation is key in modern high quality, fool-proof, fail-safe software applications. Either the System decides what to do in case of an exception, so to not stop execution of

  • How to convert Time Zones in PHP

    Date calculations are probably one of the most challenging requirements for PHP Developers.  Some of these are timezone calculations. Here are some examples on how to use the DateTime and DateTimeZone classes available in PHP core to deal with

  • How to DELETE data in MySQL from PHP

    Examples of using PHP to perform a DELETE operation in MySQL. Before running these examples, make sure you have established a connection to your MySQL database using the appropriate

  • How to Execute Linux Commands from PHP

    PHP has a wide range of capabilities, including the ability to execute Linux commands directly from PHP scripts. This functionality allows PHP developers to interact with the underlying operating system, execute system commands, and retrieve the

  • How to generate and handle sessions in PHP

    To generate and handle sessions in PHP, you can use the built-in session handling functions provided by PHP. Sessions allow you to store and retrieve data across multiple requests for a particular user.


    Starting a

  • How to generate and set cookies in php 8

    To generate and set cookies in PHP 8, you can use the setcookie() function. This function allows you to set the necessary attributes of a cookie, such as the name, value, expiration time, path, domain, and more. Here's an

  • How to generate and validate JWT in PHP without any existing package

    To generate and validate JWT without using any existing package in PHP, you'll need to understand the structure and components of a JWT, and implement the necessary logic yourself. Here's a detailed explanation

  • How to generate WSDL file in Symfony with NelmioApiDocBundle

    To generate a WSDL file in Symfony using the NelmioApiDocBundle, you can follow these steps:


    Step 1: Install the NelmioApiDocBundle

    Ensure you have the

  • How to implement a pub - sub pattern in php

    Implementing the Publish-Subscribe (Pub-Sub) pattern in PHP involves creating a system where publishers send messages (events) to a central event bus, and subscribers receive and handle those events. This pattern decouples the publishers from

  • How to implement Actions that respond to Events in PHP Symfony

    One of the most powerful features of Symfony Framework is its Event Driven Architecture. It is very easy and simple to implement PHP logic that responds to certain events during the request - response cycle.

    How to implement and use Symfony's ParamConverter

    Symfony ParamConverter is a very powerful feature provided by the Symfony framework that allows you to automatically convert route parameters into objects or other data types.Typically is declared

  • How to implement Arrow Functions in PHP

    Arrow functions, also known as short closures, were introduced in PHP 7.4 as a more concise syntax for defining anonymous functions. They provide a shorthand way to create simple, one-line functions without the need for the function keyword or

  • How to implement autowiring in PHP using DI Container

    In PHP, autowiring refers to a technique for automatically resolving dependencies when instantiating classes. To implement autowiring in PHP, you can use a dependency injection container, such as PHP-DI package, which provides autowiring out of

  • How to implement autowiring in php using reflexion class

    Autowiring in PHP refers to the ability to automatically resolve dependencies of a class without the need for manual instantiation or injection of dependencies.To implement autowiring in PHP using the ReflectionClass, you can follow these
