JSON format is becoming very popular for exchanging data between systems. Latest versions of MySQL supports json data types and here are some samples on how you can implement queries:


Assuming you have a table named users with a JSON column named data, and the data in the data column looks like this:

id name data
1 John {"age": 30, "email": "This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it."}
2 Jane {"age": 25, "email": "This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it."}
3 Michael {"age": 35, "email": "This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it."}



Select all rows where a specific key exists in the JSON data:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE JSON_CONTAINS(data, '{"email": "This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it."}');

This query will return the row with id 1, as it contains the specified email address in the JSON data.


Select all rows where a specific key exists and its value matches:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE JSON_CONTAINS(data, '{"age": 30}');

This query will return the row with id 1, as it contains the specified age (30) in the JSON data.


Select specific values from the JSON data:

SELECT id, name, data->'$.email' AS email FROM users;

This query will return a result set with columns id, name, and email, where email is extracted from the JSON data.


Filter rows based on the value of a specific key in the JSON data:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE data->'$.age' > 30;

This query will return the row with id 3 since the age in the JSON data is greater than 30.


Update a value in the JSON data:

UPDATE users SET data = JSON_SET(data, '$.email', This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.') WHERE id = 2;

 This query will update the email in the JSON data for the row with id 2.


Add a new key-value pair to the JSON data:

UPDATE users SET data = JSON_SET(data, '$.location', 'New York') WHERE id = 1;

 This query will add a new key-value pair "location": "New York" to the JSON data for the row with id 1.



Please note that when using JSON functions in MySQL, it's essential to handle any potential null values or invalid JSON data to avoid errors. Additionally, querying JSON columns directly can be less efficient for large datasets, so consider using indexes or normalizing your data if needed.