

Step 1. Make sure PHP-FPM is up and running

$ sudo systemctl status php-fpm

 you will see something like this:


Step 2. Tell PHP-FPM that Nginx is working as Web Server

$ sudo nano /etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf

Change user and group to Nginx then save the file.


Then reload PHP Fast Page Manager

$ sudo systemctl reload php-fpm

 Step 3. Configure some settings in php.ini

$ sudo nano /etc/php.ini

look for:

max_execution_time and change thevalue to 180

memory_limit and change the value to 256M

post_max_size change the value to 20M

upload_max_filesize = 20M


For development purposes it could be a good idea to turn errors on:

display_errors = On

 You may want to change the default time zone and maybe some other settings. More info on PHP Official Site.


If you want to have a cool UI to look at the PHP files handled by Zend OP Cache:

copy ocp.php from my github repository to the folder where your virtual host conf file is pointing for the index.php

$ nano /var/www/cool_project/public/ocp.php

 Click on the copy raw icon and paste the content of the file.


Save the file and restart services.

$ sudo systemctl restart php-fpm
$ sudo systemctl restart nginx


If you followed all these past recipes including the one for Installing Symfony Framework, and you get here without any errors, then open in your browser https://cool.project.vps and you will see:


Now point to https://cool.project.vps/ocp.php and you will see:


you can click on any of the button links on top to display more information.


You are ready to start developing in Symfony!