When you are using Symfony PHP Framework, the most common way to interact with Databases is using Doctrine. And if you are using a relational Database like MySql or MariaDb, you will need to handle Table Associations. One of the most common ones is the Many to Many association, that means "Many of these, can have Many of those".

You may refer to this posts:


Lets assume we have two entities:

  • Animals
  • Food

These entities are very simple, only contain the primary key and a column with the name. The many to many association requires a Join Table where the primary keys of each table will be associated.

With these association each Animal can have many different Food so does each Food can have many different Animals.

Steps to create this Many to Many Association.

Step 1. Open a ssh terminal and go to the root of your Symfony project.


Step 2.  Assuming you already have the symfony_db schema with the tables on it:

php bin/console doctrine:mapping:import "App\Entity" annotation --path=src/Entity


UPDATE on May-2023: I just found today that this doctrine:mapping:import that was deprecated a couple of years ago, may not longer work. Please proceed with caution and review carefully the generated Entity files.


That's it! the new Entities and the association are generated automatically by Symfony.

The Animals Entity will look like:


namespace App\Entity;

use Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection;
use Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;

 * Animals
 * @ORM\Table(name="animals")
 * @ORM\Entity
class Animals
     * @var int
     * @ORM\Column(name="id", type="integer", nullable=false)
     * @ORM\Id
     * @ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="IDENTITY")
    private $id;

     * @var string
     * @ORM\Column(name="animal_name", type="string", length=45, nullable=false)
    private $animalName;

     * @var Collection
     * @ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity="Food", inversedBy="animals")
     * @ORM\JoinTable(name="animals_has_food",
     *   joinColumns={
     *     @ORM\JoinColumn(name="animals_id", referencedColumnName="id")
     *   },
     *   inverseJoinColumns={
     *     @ORM\JoinColumn(name="food_id", referencedColumnName="id")
     *   }
     * )
    private $food = array();

     * Constructor
    public function __construct()
        $this->food = new ArrayCollection();


And the Food one:


namespace App\Entity;

use Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection;
use Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;

 * Food
 * @ORM\Table(name="food")
 * @ORM\Entity
class Food
     * @var int
     * @ORM\Column(name="id", type="integer", nullable=false)
     * @ORM\Id
     * @ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="IDENTITY")
    private $id;

     * @var string
     * @ORM\Column(name="food_name", type="string", length=45, nullable=false)
    private $foodName;

     * @var Collection
     * @ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity="Animals", mappedBy="food")
    private $animals = array();

     * Constructor
    public function __construct()
        $this->animals = new ArrayCollection();



In this case the Metadata for the joining table is kept in the Animals Entity.

From here you can go and generate your Getters and Setters:

$ php bin/console make:entity --regenerate

Now the Animals Entity will look like:


namespace App\Entity;

use Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection;
use Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;

 * Animals
 * @ORM\Table(name="animals")
 * @ORM\Entity
class Animals
     * @var int
     * @ORM\Column(name="id", type="integer", nullable=false)
     * @ORM\Id
     * @ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="IDENTITY")
    private $id;

     * @var string
     * @ORM\Column(name="animal_name", type="string", length=45, nullable=false)
    private $animalName;

     * @var Collection
     * @ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity="Food", inversedBy="animals")
     * @ORM\JoinTable(name="animals_has_food",
     *   joinColumns={
     *     @ORM\JoinColumn(name="animals_id", referencedColumnName="id")
     *   },
     *   inverseJoinColumns={
     *     @ORM\JoinColumn(name="food_id", referencedColumnName="id")
     *   }
     * )
    private $food = array();

     * Constructor
    public function __construct()
        $this->food = new ArrayCollection();
     * @return int|null
    public function getId(): ?int
        return $this->id;
     * @return string|null
    public function getAnimalName(): ?string
        return $this->animalName;
     * @param string $animalName
     * @return $this
    public function setAnimalName(string $animalName): self
        $this->animalName = $animalName;

        return $this;

     * @return Collection<int, Food>
    public function getFood(): Collection
        return $this->food;
     * @param Food $food
     * @return $this
    public function addFood(Food $food): self
        if (!$this->food->contains($food)) {

        return $this;
     * @param Food $food
     * @return $this
    public function removeFood(Food $food): self

        return $this;
