To get and post documents to Amazon S3 in Symfony, you can use the AWS SDK for PHP, which provides a convenient way to interact with various AWS services, including S3. Follow this recipe to set up and run in no time:


Step 1: Install the AWS SDK for PHP
You can install the AWS SDK for PHP using Composer. In your Symfony project, open a terminal and navigate to the project's root directory. Then run the following command

composer require aws/aws-sdk-php


Step 2: Configure AWS Credentials
Next, you need to configure your AWS credentials. Create a file named aws_credentials.yaml in the config/packages directory (if it doesn't exist already). In this file, add the following configuration

# config/packages/aws_credentials.yaml
    aws_access_key_id: 'YOUR_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'
    aws_secret_access_key: 'YOUR_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'
    aws_region: 'YOUR_AWS_REGION'

Replace YOUR_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, YOUR_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, and YOUR_AWS_REGION with your actual AWS credentials and region.

Step 3: Create a Service for Amazon S3
To interact with Amazon S3, you can create a service in Symfony that encapsulates the necessary functionality. Create a new file named AmazonS3Service.php in the src/Service directory (you may need to create the directory if it doesn't exist)

// src/Service/AmazonS3Service.php

namespace App\Service;

use Aws\S3\S3ClientInterface;

class AmazonS3Service
    private $s3Client;
    private $bucketName;

    public function __construct(S3ClientInterface $s3Client, string $bucketName)
        $this->s3Client = $s3Client;
        $this->bucketName = $bucketName;

    public function getObjectUrl(string $key): string
        return $this->s3Client->getObjectUrl($this->bucketName, $key);

    public function uploadObject(string $key, string $filePath): bool
        $fileContent = file_get_contents($filePath);

        $result = $this->s3Client->putObject([
            'Bucket' => $this->bucketName,
            'Key' => $key,
            'Body' => $fileContent,

        return $result['@metadata']['statusCode'] === 200;


Step 4: Configure the Service
To use the AmazonS3Service, you need to configure it as a service in Symfony. Open the config/services.yaml file and add the following configuration

# config/services.yaml
            $s3Client: '@Aws\S3\S3Client'
            $bucketName: 'YOUR_BUCKET_NAME'

Replace YOUR_BUCKET_NAME with the actual name of your S3 bucket.


Step 5: Use the Service in a Controller
You can now use the AmazonS3Service in your Symfony controllers

// src/Controller/MyController.php

namespace App\Controller;

use App\Service\AmazonS3Service;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;

class MyController extends AbstractController
    private $s3Service;

    public function __construct(AmazonS3Service $s3Service)
        $this->s3Service = $s3Service;

    public function getObjectAction(string $key): Response
        $url = $this->s3Service->getObjectUrl($key);

        // Redirect to the S3 object URL
        return $this->redirect($url);

    public function uploadObjectAction(): Response
        $filePath = '/path/to/local/file.pdf';
        $key = 'path/to/s3/file.pdf';

        if ($this->s3Service->uploadObject($key, $filePath)) {
            return new Response('File uploaded successfully!');

        return new Response('Failed to upload file.');

In the getObjectAction method, you can use the returned URL to redirect the user to the S3 object. In the uploadObjectAction method, you specify the local file path and the desired key (path) for the file in S3.



That's it! You can now get and post documents to Amazon S3 in Symfony using the AWS SDK for PHP.