In the Symfony Framework, a listener is a class that listens to a specific event and executes a specific code when that event occurs. Listeners are used extensively in Symfony to implement various functionalities in a decoupled and reusable way.

Listeners are part of Symfony's event-driven architecture, where events are dispatched and listeners are registered to handle those events. When an event is dispatched, all registered listeners for that event are called in the order of their priority (which can be set when registering the listener), and each listener can execute its own code to respond to the event.

Listeners can be implemented in different ways in Symfony, depending on the context and the use case. Some examples of listeners in Symfony include:

- Kernel event listeners: These listeners are used to handle events related to the Symfony kernel, such as the request, response, exception, and termination events. Kernel event listeners can be used to modify the behavior of the Symfony kernel, add custom functionality to the application, or handle errors and exceptions in a centralized way.

- Doctrine event listeners: These listeners are used to handle events related to Doctrine, such as the prePersist, postPersist, preUpdate, postUpdate, preRemove, and postRemove events. Doctrine event listeners can be used to execute custom code before or after a specific Doctrine operation, validate or transform data, or implement custom business logic.

- Form event listeners: These listeners are used to handle events related to Symfony forms, such as the preSubmit, postSubmit, preSetData, and postSetData events. Form event listeners can be used to modify the form data, validate the form input, or execute custom code before or after the form submission.

Overall, listeners are a powerful and flexible mechanism in Symfony that enable developers to implement complex functionalities in a modular and extensible way.

Further reading:

Sample Listener implementation in Symfony 5+

Symfony Events and Listeners.