Memoization is a technique used in programming to optimize the execution time of a function by caching its results for specific input values. When a function is called with a particular set of arguments, memoization stores the computed result in a cache so that if the function is called again with the same arguments, it can retrieve the result from the cache instead of recomputing it. This can significantly improve the performance of the function by avoiding redundant calculations.

In PHP, you can implement memoization using various approaches. One common method is to use an associative array as a cache to store the computed results.


Example of how to implement memoization in PHP

Step 1: Create a cache array

$cache = array();

This array will be used to store the results of function calls.


Step 2: Define the function you want to memoize

function memoizedFunction($arg1, $arg2, ...) {
    // Check if the result is already cached
    $args = func_get_args();
    $key = serialize($args);
    if (isset($cache[$key])) {
        return $cache[$key];
    // Compute the result
    // ...
    // Store the result in the cache
    $cache[$key] = $result;
    return $result;

The memoizedFunction is the function you want to optimize using memoization. It takes one or more arguments and computes a result. It first checks if the result is already cached by generating a unique key based on the function arguments using serialize() function. If the key exists in the cache, the cached result is returned immediately. Otherwise, the function computes the result, stores it in the cache using the generated key, and then returns the result.

Step 3: Test the memoized function

$result1 = memoizedFunction($arg1, $arg2, ...);
$result2 = memoizedFunction($arg1, $arg2, ...); // Result retrieved from cache

You can now call the memoizedFunction with the desired arguments. The first time the function is called with specific arguments, it will compute the result and cache it. On subsequent calls with the same arguments, the result will be retrieved directly from the cache, eliminating the need for recomputation.


Step 4: Clear the cache (optional)

function clearCache() {
    global $cache;
    $cache = array();

If you want to clear the cache and start fresh, you can define a function like clearCache() to reset the cache array to an empty state.


More examples on how to implement memoization in PHP

Memoization using a global cache variable

$cache = array();

function memoizedFunction($arg) {
    global $cache;
    if (isset($cache[$arg])) {
        return $cache[$arg];
    // Compute the result
    $result = // ... computation logic ...
    // Store the result in the cache
    $cache[$arg] = $result;
    return $result;


Memoization using a closure

function memoize($function) {
    $cache = array();
    return function () use ($function, &$cache) {
        $args = func_get_args();
        $key = serialize($args);
        if (isset($cache[$key])) {
            return $cache[$key];
        $result = call_user_func_array($function, $args);
        $cache[$key] = $result;
        return $result;

$computeResult = function ($arg) {
    // ... computation logic ...

$memoizedFunction = memoize($computeResult);

In this example, the memoize function takes a function as an argument and returns a memoized version of that function. It creates a closure that encapsulates the original function and the cache array. The closure checks the cache for precomputed results before invoking the original function. It then stores the result in the cache and returns it.


Memoization using a class

class Memoizer {
    private $cache = array();
    public function memoize($function) {
        $self = $this;
        return function () use ($function, $self) {
            $args = func_get_args();
            $key = serialize($args);
            if (isset($self->cache[$key])) {
                return $self->cache[$key];
            $result = call_user_func_array($function, $args);
            $self->cache[$key] = $result;
            return $result;

$memoizer = new Memoizer();
$computeResult = function ($arg) {
    // ... computation logic ...
$memoizedFunction = $memoizer->memoize($computeResult);

In this example, a Memoizer class is defined, which encapsulates the cache array. The memoize method of the Memoizer class is similar to the previous example, creating a closure that checks the cache and stores computed results. The difference is that the cache is accessed through the $self reference, which points to the instance of the Memoizer class.


These examples demonstrate different approaches to implementing memoization in PHP. Choose the one that best suits your needs and the structure of your code.