relational database

  • Connect MySql Workbench to a DB running in a Vagrant Machine

    MySql Workbench is a great tool for Database Administration and visualization. You can easily view all the Tables, Views, Stored Procedures, etc. available in a Schema and also, view the Data each table is handling and run queries. Workbench can

  • Examples of how the HAVING clause can be used in MySQL SELECT queries

    These Examples can help you better understand how the HAVING Clause can be used in MySQL SELECT queries. A good understanding of this clause can help you write very powerful MySQL queries.



  • Examples of WITH in complex mysql queries

    The WITH clause, also known as Common Table Expressions (CTEs), is a powerful feature in MySQL that allows for creating temporary named result sets within a query. It enhances query readability, modularity, and performance. Here are some

  • Harnessing the Power of the HAVING Clause in MySQL SELECT Queries

    When it comes to querying databases, the SELECT statement is undoubtedly one of the most fundamental and versatile tools. However, sometimes we need to apply further filtering and analysis beyond what the WHERE clause offers. This is where the

  • How to INSERT data in Symfony with Doctrine

    To insert data using Symfony with Doctrine, you need to follow these steps:


    Create an Entity Class

    First, you need to create an entity class that represents the table in your database.

  • How to install Maria Db 10+ on Ubuntu 22+

    MariaDB is a popular open-source relational database management system that is a drop-in replacement for MySQL. If you're an Ubuntu 22+ user and looking to install MariaDB 10+, this article will provide you with a step-by-step guide to help you

  • How to install MySql in Ubuntu 22+

    MySQL is one of the most popular open-source relational database management systems, widely used for building and managing databases in various applications. MySQL is a powerful database management system that can handle various data-driven

  • How to query JSON data in MySQL

    JSON format is becoming very popular for exchanging data between systems. Latest versions of MySQL supports json data types and here are some samples on how you can implement queries:


    Assuming you

  • How to query MySql table with JSON columns from PHP

    To query a MySQL table with JSON columns from PHP, you can use the PDO (PHP Data Objects) extension, which provides a consistent interface to work with various databases, including

  • How to query MySQL Temporal Tables in PHP

    MySQL Temporal Tables, also known as System-Versioned Tables, are a feature introduced in MySQL 5.7. Temporal tables allow you to store historical data and track changes over time automatically. Each row in a temporal table has a period of

  • How to use CASE clause in a MySql SELECT in PHP

    The CASE clause is a very useful one widely used when retrieving data from a SQL based database. Here are some examples on how to implement this when writing PHP code.

    Examples using mysqli driver extension.


  • How to work joins with temporal tables in mysql

    Working with joins in temporal tables in MySQL involves combining the historical data from the history table with the current data in the current table based on specific conditions. To perform joins with temporal tables, you can use regular join

  • How to work with Window Functions in MySql from PHP

    In MySQL, a window function is a powerful feature that allows you to perform calculations across a set of rows in a query result. It operates on a "window" of rows defined by a specific partition and an optional ordering within that partition.

  • Mastering Complex MySQL Subqueries: Unraveling the Power of Nested Queries

    In the realm of SQL, subqueries are an invaluable tool for extracting precise and intricate information from databases. MySQL, one of the most popular database management systems, supports complex subqueries that enable developers to write

  • Understanding the DISTINCT Clause in SELECT Statements in MySQL

    The DISTINCT clause is a powerful feature in MySQL that allows you to retrieve unique rows from a result set obtained through a SELECT statement. It eliminates duplicate values and ensures that

  • Unleashing the Power of MySQL Temporal Tables as Subqueries: Advanced Data Analysis and Time-Based Queries

    As the demand for advanced data analysis grows, developers and analysts are constantly exploring innovative techniques to extract insights from temporal data. MySQL offers a powerful feature called temporal tables, which allow for efficient

  • Using MySql Workbench to model and create a Database Schema with Tables

    MySql Workbench is a great tool not only for managing a Database but for Modeling Schemas. With the modeler you can very easily generate all the code required for creating Tables, Indexes and Table Associations.

    A Schema is basically a

  • Using the IF Clause in MySql queries from PHP

    In MySQL, the IF function is a control flow function that allows you to perform conditional logic within your queries. It provides a way to conditionally return different values or perform different actions

  • Working with date functions in MySql from PHP

    Most modern PHP Applications require to deal with dates. Most of these dates are stored in the Database. Here are some examples of how you can build queries that uses MySQL date functions.

    Working with Json Functions in MySql from PHP

    In MySQL, JSON functions are used to manipulate and extract data from JSON documents stored in JSON columns. These functions allow you to perform various operations on
