object oriented programming

  • Basics of Object Oriented Programming in PHP - Part I

    PHP is a Computer Language that embraced OOP (Object Oriented Programming) and currently it fully supports all OOP Principles and Patterns. This makes PHP a very powerful, yet friendly Programming Language. Mastering OOP in PHP requires to fully

  • Basics of Object Oriented Programming in PHP - Part II

    Understanding key Object Oriented Programming concepts is required to be able to produce Modern, High Quality PHP Software Applications that stick to OOP Best Practices and Principles.


  • Basics of Object Oriented Programming in PHP - Part III

     As I was mentioning in past Article, understanding key Object Oriented Programming concepts is required to be able to produce Modern, High Quality PHP Software Applications that stick to OOP Best Practices and

  • Demystifying Object Inheritance in Computer Programming: Building Hierarchies of Reusable Code

    In the world of computer programming, building complex software systems often involves managing relationships between objects. Object inheritance is a fundamental concept that allows developers to create hierarchical relationships between

  • Fundamentals of Object Oriented Programming - Part I Objects

    Object Oriented Programming is about writing code using constructs called objects. We can say that everything can be called an object if we stick to the accepted definition by the Language Academia1. To understand the

  • Fundamentals of Object Oriented Programming - Part II OOP Principles

    Once we understand the concept of Software Objects taking physical real life examples as I explained in previous Article, then we need to dive into their characteristics and behavior before we can effectively write Object Oriented

  • Fundamentals of Object Oriented Programming - Part III Writing Object Oriented Programs

    Object Oriented Programming is about writing code using Objects. Once we understand the concept of an "Object" and its main Principles, we are ready to start writing OOP code.


  • How to convert Time Zones in PHP

    Date calculations are probably one of the most challenging requirements for PHP Developers.  Some of these are timezone calculations. Here are some examples on how to use the DateTime and DateTimeZone classes available in PHP core to deal with

  • How to deserialize Xml into a DTO in Symfony

    You can deserialize complex nested Xml files into DTO Classes in Symfony in very simple steps using the JMS Serializer Bundle. Just follow these steps:


    Step 1: Install

  • How to implement Arrow Functions in PHP

    Arrow functions, also known as short closures, were introduced in PHP 7.4 as a more concise syntax for defining anonymous functions. They provide a shorthand way to create simple, one-line functions without the need for the function keyword or

  • How to implement Closures in PHP

    In PHP, a closure is an anonymous function that can access variables outside of its own scope. It "closes" over those variables and retains their values even if they are no longer in scope. This allows closures to have a persistent state and

  • How to work with Date Intervals in PHP

    The DateInterval class is used to represent a duration or interval between two dates. It allows you to work with dates in a more granular and flexible way. The DateInterval class is part of PHP's

  • Practical Usages of Interfaces in PHP

    Interfaces in PHP are used to define a contract or a blueprint for classes. They provide a way for developers to define a set of methods that a class must implement. The practical usages of interfaces in PHP are as

  • Unlocking the Power of PHP Unit Testing: Key Use Cases and Examples

    In the world of web development, ensuring the quality and reliability of your PHP code is crucial. One effective way to achieve this is through unit testing, a technique that involves testing individual units of code to verify

  • Working with Attributes in PHP 8+

    PHP 8 introduced a new feature called attributes, which provide a way to add metadata or annotations to PHP code. Attributes allow developers to attach additional information to classes, methods, properties, parameters, and
