Linux command-line interface (CLI) provides a powerful environment for managing and interacting with a Linux operating system. For both beginners and experienced users, having a cheat sheet of commonly used console commands can be immensely helpful in navigating and performing various tasks efficiently. This cheat list of commonly used console commands in Linux provides a handy reference for navigating and managing a Linux system effectively. From basic file operations to system management, networking, and text processing, these commands serve as the building blocks for efficient and powerful command-line usage. By familiarizing yourself with these commands, you can streamline your workflow, troubleshoot issues, and gain better control over your Linux environment. Experiment with these commands, explore their options, and discover the vast potential of the Linux command line.

 linux common commands


For more help on how to use each command, just type the command and --help to get a short description, flags and parameters accepted.

File Operations:

`ls`: List files and directories in the current directory.
`cd`: Change the current directory.
`pwd`: Print the current working directory.
`mkdir`: Create a new directory.
`cp`: Copy files and directories.
`mv`: Move or rename files and directories.
`rm`: Remove files and directories.
`cat`: Display the contents of a file.
`head`: Display the beginning of a file.
`tail`: Display the end of a file.
`find`: Search for files and directories.


System Management:

`ps`: Display running processes.
`top`: Monitor system processes and resource usage.
`kill`: Terminate a running process.
`shutdown`: Shutdown or restart the system.
`reboot`: Restart the system.
`df`: Display disk space usage.
`free`: Display memory usage.
`uname`: Display system information.
`chmod`: Change file permissions.
`chown`: Change file ownership.
`sudo`: Execute commands with superuser (root) privileges.



`ping`: Send ICMP echo requests to a specified host.
`ifconfig`: Display network interface configuration.
`ip`: Show/manipulate routing, devices, policy routing, and tunnels.
`ssh`: Connect to a remote server using the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol.
`scp`: Securely copy files between local and remote systems.
`wget`: Download files from the web.
`curl`: Transfer data from or to a server using various protocols (HTTP, FTP, etc.).
`netstat`: Display network connections, routing tables, and interface statistics.
`traceroute`: Print the route packets take to a network host.
`nc`: Utility for reading/writing data across network connections.


Text Processing:

`grep`: Search for patterns in files.
`sed`: Stream editor for text manipulation.
`awk`: Text processing language for extracting data and generating reports.
`sort`: Sort lines in a file.
`cut`: Extract specific columns or fields from a file.
`wc`: Count lines, words, and characters in a file.
`uniq`: Remove duplicate lines from a file.
`tee`: Read from standard input and write to files and standard output simultaneously.


Package Management:

`apt-get`: Package handling utility for Debian-based systems.
`yum`: Package manager for RPM-based systems.
`dnf`: Next-generation package manager, an alternative to `yum`.